Dashlane phone number
Dashlane phone number

I am Emmanuel Schalit, the CEO of Dashlane. Email addresses might be easily tracked online, but at the end of the day, companies like Dashlane still have a responsibility to respect users’ privacy and strive to keep them confidential.įound this article interesting? Follow Graham Cluley on Twitter or Mastodon to read more of the exclusive content we post. I only hope that this serves as a lesson to support representatives everywhere to take extra caution when handling customers’ information. I intend to keep using Dashlane, and in the worst case, I’ll probably just need to keep an eye peeled for spam messages.

dashlane phone number

I am disappointed that Dashlane exposed my email address on Twitter and took so long to fix the problem, but that’s the full extent of it. In no scenario should a customer support representative be doing that for you, especially when you haven’t submitted to any prior agreement explicitly authorizing them to do so. And in particular if you want it to be made public. But it should still be your choice when or if you decide to share your email with someone else. In fact, as security expert Troy Hunt points out on his blog, they are not only readily discoverable but are also in most cases meant to be shared.

dashlane phone number

Unlike financial data, email addresses are not inherently sensitive information. My case is not like that of Eric Springer, an Amazon user whose shipping address, phone number, and perhaps even credit card number were exposed after an attacker social engineered his way around Amazon customer support. I want to keep things in perspective here. I have since confirmed the tweet’s removal. The password management company’s support center apologized for the disclosure and stated that it had removed the tweet. In fact, I didn’t hear from Dashlane again until some 20 hours later, by which time several individuals had noticed that Dashlane had tweeted out my email address. I immediately asked them to take down the offending the tweet, but there was no response. They told me this in a public tweet, and they fully disclosed my email address therein. It wasn’t until the next day, however, that Dashlane Support confirmed that they had sent me an email.

dashlane phone number

So, I handed over my email address via a DM, expecting a confirmation soon thereafter. I described to them my problem, and after a few additional exchanges, they requested that I provide them with my email address in a direct message (DM). On Sunday, I contacted Dashline Support on Twitter. When this didn’t work, I decided to reach out to the password management company directly. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software to no avail.

Dashlane phone number